Fitness · Food

Review: PlantWarrior Protein

I have had my fair share of protein powders in the last couple of years and I’ve found how different proteins react to my body. Protein powders are one of the most popular supplements in the fitness industry, many using them for pre/post-workout and others experimenting with creating protein treats. I am a huge lover of protein powders, adding them into my oats or smoothies as another way to ensure I’m getting in enough protein throughout the day. However, I have found that some whey proteins have began to slightly bloat my stomach and so I have reduced my intake of whey and have started using half whey protein and half plant protein in my breakfasts. Since doing this, I’ve noticed how much easier my body digest my food.

When PlantWarrior contacted me about reviewing their products, I was definitely onboard to try out a new plant-based protein, especially if it involves chocolate! The company create 100% vegan proteins and state how much easier their products are to digest over whey protein, to which they have fully researched and backed up on their site. Alongside this, the company also plant a tree for every product sold! How incredible! Not only are they caring about people’s health, but they are also caring for the environment.

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Now time for the taste test!


I was sent the Chocolate Superfood Protein which is completely plant-based. If you’ve seen other plant-based protein reviews on my blog, you will know that when I first tried plant-based over whey, I wasn’t overly keen due to it not being as sweet. However, I’ve had many other plant proteins since and I am adapting to the taste.

When first opening the package, I’ll be completely honest and say that I wasn’t overwhelmed. I was expecting a very chocolatey scent but I was not getting that at all. I decided that I wanted to make myself a protein smoothie after my workout and opted for PlantWarrior’s protein which I would then be able to review.

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I used 1 frozen banana, unsweetened almond milk, a tsp of peanut butter and the Chocolate SuperFood Protein. Before taking my first sip, I was still very sceptical from my smelling experience, however, I was in for a shock. The taste of the smoothie was more of a malt chocolate and it was actually delicious! Not too sweet but sweet enough for my liking, and I have a VERY big sweet tooth. At first there was a little powdery aftertaste but that soon passed as well as my smoothie. Gone in 2 minutes.

Rating: 8/10

Overall, I am very happy with this protein and will definitely be making many more of these smoothies. No bloating for me and my tastebuds are dancing – what more could you ask for? If you are looking for a plant-based protein, then I would recommend giving PlantWarrior a try! At the end of the day, if you don’t enjoy it (which I’m hoping you do enjoy it), you have helped them plant a tree! Winner winner, chicken dinner!

With Love,



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