
Practically Perfect?

Perfection. What is it truly? Just a word, a way of life, a destination? I find so many people are still in search for this but what will they gain once it is reached? Is perfection the true key to happiness? I ask so many questions because I believe that perfection is a questionable idea; a dream.

The idea of perfection is different to many but it mostly evolves around the image of a wonderful ending for that individual; once achieved, life is complete is it not? That’s where the downfall lies. As humans we are constantly looking for the next best thing, once we achieve one goal we are already on to the next. We are a species that continuously searches for more, each step becoming a new direction for the landmark. The idea of perfectionism can be truly damaging and it’s time that we understand that to seek perfection is to constantly battle with one’s self.

Many a tweet or Instagram comment I see thrives around wanting something and for the most part it is aesthetics-based. The ‘perfect skin’ or the ‘perfect hair’ or the perfect body’ or the ‘perfect face’, but what even is that? Insecurities are real and we all have them, but it is within our own power to be able to fight against them and embrace all emotions that we feel. This desire for perfect aesthetics stems from a deep insecurity which many possess from the constant comparison to others online, however, we cannot wish to be someone else or look like another; we are each beautifully unique, it is just understanding how to acknowledge and appreciate all that you are.

Striving for the perfection you crave may do more harm than good and it’s time to overcome the fear of truly being ourselves and what we are capable of doing. Just like Hannah Montana says ‘Nobody’s perfect’ and we all know it’s the truth (as well as being a very catchy song). Let go of the idea of ‘Perfect’, it will become a never-ending cycle of constantly wanting more and the constant desire to have something that we do not. Perfection is, ironically, imperfect.


With Love,



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