
Welcome to…The Zoe Edit

Hello to all! Let’s get straight to it shall we.

Since slowly coming back to writing and posting on my blog, the name ‘Healthy Strawberry’ has been somewhat bothering me, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to keep the name. When I first started blogging, it was mainly to post how I was enjoying eating “healthy” and also posting lots of fitness content. It became a passion which I loved but became massively obsessed over. As time went on, I grew a lot more, learnt a lot more, and started to really see how this version that I once classed as “healthy” was not in the slightest.

Alongside the food and the fitness, my love for writing started to become more and what I wanted to write about changed. Self-love and body confidence started to become topics I was an advocate for (and still am) and I believe that not only was I writing to inspire others, but to tell myself how it is okay to be who you are and a six-pack and being lean does not make you any less of a human being. Our looks do not define us.

After coming away from my blog for over a year, learning more about myself and what I love and believe in, I still knew I wanted to write and of course share many a food post (who doesn’t love a good brunch?!). If you have read this blog post here, you will know that I decided to cut out fitness content, a decision I made because I knew it would be best for my mental health. I do not need validation from social media or for it to keep my accountable for doing some burpees or squatting a metal pole.

Furthermore, you will notice how I don’t post as many meals on my instagram apart from brunch experiences, sweet treats I baked, or a good ol’ bowl of oats (my go-to brekkie). I don’t post as many because I am steering away from trying to identify a meal as being “healthy” or trying to constantly tell people that it is okay to eat chocolate (which it 100% is). I love food and enjoy experiencing the different tastes and textures. I no longer want to seek validation or use social media to keep me accountable for always eating so called “healthy”. I want to share food because I enjoy it and not have to over explain what I consume other than it was delicious.

So with that being said, the name Healthy Strawberry, although it has been a part of my life for 5 years, I feel that I have outgrown it and that is okay. People and passions change. As I become more creative with my writing and what I’d like to write about I thought it was time to create a name that could fit with it. After many a google and instagram search to see what names weren’t taken.

I write when I am inspired and love to share it so I look forward to see what thoughts will soon make their way onto each blank canvas to create some beautiful words. I’m excited to share many more brunch and foodie experiences, as well as travel in the future. I’m even enjoying writing my passion for dance and the arts too. I write when my mind becomes too full of thoughts that I wish to share.

My name is Zoe. I am a dance artist, a creative human, an explorer, a foodie, and I welcome you to:

Copy of Copy of The Zoe Edit (2)

(P.S. I had to had an ‘s’ on the wordpress blog domain because apparently without one was taken even though I searched and it doesn’t exist but we won’t stress about that lol).

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