Fitness · Food · Lifestyle

Rediscovering my niche

Niche, I think it's quite a nice word to say, don't you think?! It's a word I've been repeating to myself lately and do you not find that when you say the same word numerous times it starts to sound weird? Well, the same can be said about my blog. I have been very on… Continue reading Rediscovering my niche

Fitness · Lifestyle

My Weekend at Be:FIT London 2018

Hello all!! Yes, I am back and I can't wait for you to read this blogpost as much as I can't wait to write it. If you didn't know already from my Instagram, I was kindly invited to attend Be:FIT London 2018 for the whole weekend and I'm still elated by the whole experience. To… Continue reading My Weekend at Be:FIT London 2018

Fitness · Food · Lifestyle

Ditch the Diet. Create a Lifestyle.

A new year calls for an inbox full of 'detox', 'weight loss' and 'new year, new me' emails. It's the same every year and companies continuously make us feel guilty about that extra mince pie, giving us tips on how to 'burn off the calories'. The diet fads begin and it's crazy to think how… Continue reading Ditch the Diet. Create a Lifestyle.

Fitness · Lifestyle

Can Our Use of Language Change How We Think?

Ever wondered how words can change our thoughts or how we perceive something? Neither did I until I sat down and reflected on how I used to think to how I think now. Language is a powerful tool, it's a way of communication and the words we use can replicate how our minds work. Ever heard of… Continue reading Can Our Use of Language Change How We Think?

Fitness · Food

Review: Dr Zak’s Protein Cookies & Clusters

Since starting my Instagram account, I always looked for new products that were 'fitness' related and, of course, I needed to find all the peanut butter. When placing my first ever order with Musclefood, I came across Dr Zak's Protein Peanut Butter and when it's being sold at a bargain price with flavours like cherry… Continue reading Review: Dr Zak’s Protein Cookies & Clusters