Food · Travel

The Brunch Club: Paris Edition

Hello everyone, or should I say Bonjour! She is back with a new blog post and, of course, it's food-related (shocker). After now having lived in Paris for a year, still to this day I can't believe how fast a year has gone, I have been brunching my way around Paris and it only felt… Continue reading The Brunch Club: Paris Edition

Food · Lifestyle · Travel

A Foodie’s Guide To Byron Bay

Hello to you and a good day to all. Today I bring you a post that I have been ever so excited about writing. Just the thought of it is bringing me back all of my Australia travel memories and, of course, ultimate food envy of what Australia has to offer. I am a huge… Continue reading A Foodie’s Guide To Byron Bay


Recipe: Chocolate Peanut Butter Blended Overnight Oats

I am back with a new recipe and it feels like forever since I last posted one. Being the oats fanatic that I am, I pretty much have oats for my breakfast everyday. Why? I find them extremely delicious and know that they will fuel my morning. I also love sweet breakfasts so being able… Continue reading Recipe: Chocolate Peanut Butter Blended Overnight Oats

Food · Lifestyle · Travel

Zoe’s Travels… A Day in Cambridge

This weekend I travelled to Cambridge with my boyfriend (yep, that happened) for him to look at a potential MBA Course for in a few years time, and being the supportive girlfriend I am, I tagged along (obviously not because food was involved....). The last time I went to Cambridge was on a school trip in Year… Continue reading Zoe’s Travels… A Day in Cambridge