
Welcome to…The Zoe Edit

Hello to all! Let's get straight to it shall we. Since slowly coming back to writing and posting on my blog, the name 'Healthy Strawberry' has been somewhat bothering me, I wasn't sure if I wanted to keep the name. When I first started blogging, it was mainly to post how I was enjoying eating… Continue reading Welcome to…The Zoe Edit


Practically Perfect?

Perfection. What is it truly? Just a word, a way of life, a destination? I find so many people are still in search for this but what will they gain once it is reached? Is perfection the true key to happiness? I ask so many questions because I believe that perfection is a questionable idea;… Continue reading Practically Perfect?


Life Update: I’m graduating?! Moving abroad?! Quit the gym?!

A very big hello to you all! I have been away from my blog for a little while and if I'm being honest, I have enjoyed it being that way. A lot of people keep asking if I would pursue blogging as a career or when I would be back providing daily or weekly content.… Continue reading Life Update: I’m graduating?! Moving abroad?! Quit the gym?!